Getting Feedback from your Students

Here are some ways in which you can gather some quick, informal feedback from students or check their understanding of a topic.

Technologies to support you in gathering feedback  

Mentimeter allows you to create short quizzes to gauge student understanding, conduct polls and allow student to provide written feedback. There is a free version available that should support most of your needs.  

Microsoft Forms are a great way to create quick polls and quizzes. Forms can be accessed through Office 365.  

Padlet is a great choice for creating an online space where students can provide written comments that all your class can view.

Ways to use these tools:

  • Knowledge probe: At the beginning of a topic, ask students to answer pre-set questions (open, or multiple choice) to assess students existing knowledge. You can then ask questions later in the topic to see if students have met the learning outcomes that you intended. You could use a tool such as Mentimeter for this purpose.  
  • One-sentence summary: Can be used at any time to test knowledge about an important topic you expect them to be able to summarise. Ask students to write a layperson’s summary of any principle taught. This assesses their ability to comprehend and transfer concepts.  
  • Muddiest point: Ask students to write down the ‘muddiest point’ of the lecture, i.e., the concept they feel they have not understood or have them vote on predetermined items using an online polling tool like Mentimeter.